Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Rodent Chase 6

I had to restart it 2 times so I hope you like it!!

The Rodent Chase 5

This video is exclusive, it took me 2 weeks. Just remember that all of this is a million pictures running fast! And the song is a perfect song for a rabbit like that!

The Rodent Chase 4

In, this video I described everything! It took me a long time bringing sand in to my house!

The Rodent Chase 3

I learned how to make the rabbit stay on the duck, but with alot of trouble. But it was fun!

The Rodent Chase 2

This is the second Rodent Chase video I made. I got inspired by alot of videos. I added music and made it cool.

The Rodent Chase (the first)

This is the first Rodent Chase video! It has slow animation and boring settings but that was the first animation video I made!